Aspiration Day 2019

Aspiration Day is an annual program which is held by school's student legislative (PK) in 3 Senior High School. Aspiration Day is one of the medium to give our opinion and suggestion for making the school a better place. This event consisted of 2 parts, Festival and KILAS. Festival was held at 26th April 2019. The main goal of Festival was to educate a good way and manner to express opinions. School's student council would interview and do a talkshow with the guests star. The guests star were Ridwan Kamil, Amigdala, and Keri Lestari. KILAS was the final part of Aspiration Day. KILAS is the acronym of Komunikasi Langsung Aspirasi Siswa 3 (Direct Communication of 3 Students' Aspirations). KILAS was a meeting between student council (OSIS), student legislative (PK), each class representative, Headmaster, Vice Headmasters, and caraka. Here, class representative told all the opinions and suggestions from the students. Student legislative also told all the opinions and sugges...

Sustainable Development Growth


- goal 4 : quality education -

W H Y   W E   C H O O S E   T H I S   T O P I C  ?
  • Obtaining quality education is the foundation to create sustainable development.
  • Education is one of the fundamental human rights.
  • As a student, we think that education is really important for a better future and better life.

  • Enrollment in  primary education in developing countries has reached 91% but 57 million primary age children remain out of school.
  • More than half of children that haven't enrolled in school live in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • An estimated 50% out-of-school children of primary school age live in a conflict-affected area.
  • 617 million youth worldwide lack basic mathematics and literacy skills.

why we should have quality education?

Because , if we get a quality education, we will have soft skill and knowledge that will be beneficial in the future. You can get a nice job easier.
The less unemployment rate exists, and the national income will be increased. We can conclude that quality education makes good human resources. We get benefit, then the benefit will impact ourselves and our environment.



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